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Others were wondering...

What is professional life coaching?

A professionally trained life coach is someone who empowers others by helping them make, meet and exceed goals in both their personal and professional lives. Three words best describe what a life coach does:

Guidance - A life coach provides the tools and support for someone to broaden their perspective and understanding hence enabling them to reach determine and reach their goals.

Empowerment - A life coach empowers individuals to realize their own self worth and self belief that has, for one reason or another, diminished.

Transformational Change - A life coach will help the client make transformational changes that are meaningful, impactful and most importantly, lasting.

How do I know that coaching is right for me?

For starters, every single person can benefit from coaching. Executives benefit from coaching! Moms benefit from coaching! Even coaches need coaching! If you are a living, breathing human with aspirations and emotions, you could benefit from coaching! Are you feeling stuck? Do you need more _____ in your life? Do you need less _____ in your life? Do you need some accountability or someone to help you push your self-imposed limits? Coaching is right for you!

How is coaching different from therapy?

Therapists are trained to identify and treat mental illness. They analyze client's past life experiences to help heal wounds from the past.  Coaching focuses on the present and future by helping to figure out where you are and where you want to be and bridging the gap between the two.  If applicable, clients can benefit from both unique specialties.

What does the coach bring to the relationship?

As a coach trained at the Co-Active Training Institute (the Harvard of coach training programs) I bring proven coaching skills to our sessions that will spur movement and change.  As a member of the International Coaching Federation, I abide my a strict code of coaching ethics. In addition to a ton of training, I bring honesty, courage, a passion for living life to the fullest and insatiable curiosity.  Oh, and I will also bring along my finely tuned BS detector in order to cut through the crap and get to the heart of what is holding you back!

What do you bring?

You bring an open mind, your goals and desires, your authenticity and your willingness to play!

How and where do we meet?

Most coaching is done over the phone or Zoom which provides flexibility for clients in their busy lives. I also offer some face to face coaching for clients in the Calgary area. We will figure out what works best!

What can I expect from our sessions?

Once we decide that we are a good fit, our first session will take about 90 minutes. We will design our coaching relationship and get to work right away! Future sessions will be 1 hour in duration. We will always keep your goals front and centre as we work together.  Sessions typically end with at least one specific action item for you to work on and report back on at our next session.

What is my commitment?

In order to evoke real, transformational change, I require an initial commitment of 12 sessions.  These 12 sessions can occur every 2 weeks for 6 months or can be fast-tracked to 1 session weekly for 3 months.  After realizing the impact of coaching, clients often choose to continue the for an undetermined length of time (often monthly) in order to sustain the momentum or to challenge themselves further.

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