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About Me

From as long as I can remember, I couldn't wait to grow up. My naive wish came true when I catapulted into adulthood at the age of 17 when I became a mom to my son Brett. I married my partner at the wise old age of 18 and we welcomed our daughter Robyn when I was 21.  While this might seem a little odd now, it really wasn't that unusual where I grew up in tiny town Northwestern Ontario.  Life was very simple and comfortable as we all somewhat grew up together. 

Fast forward about 15 years of life with its wealth of joys, achievements, struggles, successes and changes. I found myself working at a good job, divorced and kids who were planning their own futures. Life was good.  But was "good" enough for me?


I found myself staring down 40 - but not from a perspective of dread but from a place of genuine excitement! After starting a family so young I had always known that "40" would be MY time! But there was a giant question mark on the other side of 40 and I needed to find out what was on the other side of it!


But, seriously, where does one start when they are trying to figure out their life purpose and how to live it? In attempts to help, friends would ask me what I was "passionate" about. I had no idea! It would be easier if I was passionate about something tangible like wine or hiking or saving the dolphins. I could make a plan around that and set some great goals to strive for! But that just wasn't me. I had lived enough life to know what I didn't want to do but no idea how to sort out what I DID want to do.

I was about to pull the trigger and sign up for at least 6 years of school to earn a degree in psychology because I thought that is what I "should" do. I still didn't know what I would do with it once I got it.

That is when I decided to hire a coach. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made! I got to know myself, my values and, with Lisa's help, I was finally able to put my finger on that thing that gives me butterflies. I set my path for my future that aligns with my values, wants, needs and dreams and now everything feels right. It was the best investment I've ever made - not just in time but also money! I had been ready to drop 50k on tuition without so much as a goal in mind for that degree!

I can confidently say now that my passion and purpose is to dare people to imagine that their lives can be different. It is encouraging people to not accept "good enough". It's partnering with people to help them discover their most powerful, courageous selves. It's being honest and calling BS to limiting beliefs that serve no one.

Today, I am living my passion on the other side of that question mark! I am a Co-Active Coach trained by the world renowned CTI - Coaches Training Institute and an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation. I live and work in the Calgary, Alberta area but connect with people all over the world.  I am a partner in crime to the love of my life Dean, a mom to Brett & Robyn, step-monster to Logan and dog-mom to two ridiculous labs Burton & Sarah.

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